Mother's Gathering

Having met several mothers of our exchange students and thoroughly enjoying the encounters, I made a casual comment to Tanya last summer that It might be fun sometime to get all of the mothers together. That comment has quickly grown into a most amazing international gathering. Though only four mothers of our 11 exchange kids are able to come to this gathering near Frankfurt March 9 - 15, it will prove a most fun and unique time together. Slovakia, Russia, Denmark, Germany, and the U. S. will be represented with week-ends hosted by Ulrike's parents and well selected travel by Dieter Schmid, Ulrike's father, to different German historical landmark.

UPDATE: The first mothers' gathering was a great success. We spent the first and last days in Schwalbach and visited Bamberg, Nurnburg, and Rotthenburg by train. We walked alot, laughed even more, and had a wonderful opportunity to share together.

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