Tanya was our fifth exchange daughter. She is from Moscow, Russia. She was involved in Theater Arts in school and we were able to share a two week visit from her mom during the Christmas Holiday. What an amazing experience this was! Tanya was a great interpreter. On the right is the "American" look.

This past summer (1995) she got married. Here's the happy couple - Dima and Tanya Túrin

July 1, 1999

Tanya has been studying at a Language University in Moscow to be an Interpreter since returning home from Seattle.

She and her husband, Dima, live in an apartment in the same building as her parents, making "Baba" or grandma very available to watch her grandson, Zhenya, born February, 1996. We were made grandparents for the first time. We had the wonderful pleasure to visit them all in Moscow that summer (1996). We had been invited back many times but haven't been able to manage it yet. Zhenya is growing fast and even learning some English from Mom. Recent email connections have made communication much easier.

March 1, 2001

The Seattle Earthquake prompted a recent phone call home from Moscow. Tanya and all her family are doing well and look forward to a new Internet connection soon.

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